The REACH Directive requires the entry of identified applications in substance safety reports. The descriptor model developed for this should simplify this task. The descriptor model consists of five separate descriptors
- SU: Sector of use
- PC: Chemical product category
- PROC: Process category
- ERC: Environmental release class
- AC: Article category
EPS (expanded polystyrene) is one of the three main constituent parts of a thermal insulation composite system, along with the reinforcement and the finishing coat.
Safety data sheet which has one or several exposure scenarios as appendices.
Object which takes on a specific shape, surface or design during manufacture. (E.g. PS board) ( Art. 3, No. 3)
Exposure scenarios should comprise the complete life cycle of a product, i.e. its inherent application, the use of the substance notified by customers and the application by end consumers incl. recycling or disposal. The exposure scenario is communicated to the customers with the safety data sheet.
Conglomerate, mixture or solution consisting of two or more substances. (E.g. paints and enamels)
Natural or legal person established in the Community who manufactures a substance in the Community. (According to Art. 3, No. 9) Only substance manufacturers are "manufacturers" for the purpose of REACH. A manufacturer of preparations is in this sense only a downstream user.
Natural or legal person established in the Community who is responsible for the introduction of substances, preparations or mixtures. (Art.3, No. 11)
The SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) are compiled in the so-called list of candidates. This is intended to identify and, where applicable, control all substances, which, on account of their properties, can cause long-term and irreversible damage to people's health or to the environment.
Natural or legal person who uses a substance on its own or in a mixture within the scope of his/her commercial/industrial activity. Dealers or users are not downstream users.
PBT substances are persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances.. Persistent substances remain in the environment for a long time. Bioaccumulating substances become concentrated in biological material. Toxic substances are poisonous substances which cause damage to health in an appropriate concentration.
Chemical element and its compound in natural form or obtained by a manufacturing process. (E.g. formaldehyde) (Art. 3, No. 3)
SVHC substances (Substances of Very High Concern) are carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductively hazardous (Cat. 1+2), persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances. Furthermore, they are substances which "according to scientific knowledge probably have severe effects on human health or on the environment".
The categorised application information of the construction chemistry industry is available in the form of a standardised format - the so-called Use Reports (UseR).
Conglomerates, mixtures or solutions consisting of two or more substances. (Art.3, No. 2)