Supplier Code DAW SE

Treatment of employees

Compliance with worker’s rights

We expect our suppliers to observe the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate in their own companies. This expressly includes the applicable provisions regarding the minimum wage and also applies to the standards of the International Labour Organisation regarding workers’ rights, in particular concerning occupational safety, working hours, working conditions, remuneration and freedom of assembly.

The suppliers do not tolerate

- forced labour or 

- child labour, 

either directly or through their own sub-contractors or suppliers. 

Furthermore, they do not tolerate any discrimination in the workplace and they promote equality of opportunity and equal treatment. No employee may be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, age, colour of skin, culture, ethnic origin, sexual identity, disability, religion or belief.

Respect for health and safety

We expect our suppliers to observe the applicable national laws regarding health and safety at work in their own companies and to establish and implement a suitable health and safety management programme. This includes regular and effective employee training.