3,000 euros for the Nieder-Ramstadt Charitable Trust
Ober-Ramstadt, 14th December 2015 (DAW) - Each year at Christmas business partners of companies affirm their good relationships with small presents and gifts. However, as generally only colleagues with external contacts receive them and the majority of employees are left empty-handed, the management of the Deutschen Amphibolin-Werke (DAW SE) in Ober-Ramstadt has introduced a change this year. The incoming Christmas presents were collected for a raffle and made available to all staff by ticket sale at the annual DAW Christmas market.
The sum received by selling the raffle tickets – obtained by DAW Group employees on site at Ober-Ramstadt – was rounded up by the five members of the DAW management from their own pockets and then this amount was doubled up by the company to produce a donation of 3,000 euros.
"We are delighted that with this action we have been able to produce double the joy," says DAW Board Member, Daniel Weber. "We have given all our employees the opportunity of obtaining nice presents from the raffle." Barbara Adam and Anne Böhner, who work in management as assistants and who organised the raffle, add: "And at the same time we were able to do something good, because with each raffle ticket sold, we saw the donated amount increase. But we were surprised ourselves at the great result and positive feedback." The two were actively supported by Bianca Esser and Michelle Bischoff, who are both completing their apprenticeships as Commercial Assistants in Office Management at DAW.
PC: The "Christmas Ladies" during handing over the raffle prizes at the DAW Christmas market (from l.) Barbara Adam, Management Assistant with the two apprentices, Bianca Esser and Michelle Bischoff.
The proceeds from this activity were donated by DAW and its employees to the Nieder-Ramstadt Charitable Trust in Mühltal. The two enterprises have been working together for many years. DAW now offers fifteen handicapped persons a job in the factory at Ober-Ramstadt.
The symbolic cheque was received on the 14th December 2015 by the charitable trust chairman Walter Diehl, Andreas Nink, manager of communication and fund-raising at the trust and the manager of the Dieburg workshops, Andreas Koch.
PC: Together with the apprentices, Bianca Esser and Michelle Bischoff, the DAW Executive Board Member, Daniel Weber (l.) hands over the cheque for 3,000 euros to the representatives of the Nieder-Ramstadt Charitable Trust, Andreas Koch, Andreas Nink and the chairman, Walter Diehl. Management Assistant, Anne Böhmer (r.) dealt with the internal Organisation of the raffle.
"That was really a super idea and pleasant surprise," said the delighted Walter Diehl and he thanked all DAW employees and also, of course, the management for the generous donation.
Press release